
All litters are closed for 2023. Please contact for puppy availability.

Calhoun, Frisco are planning to be bred to several girls this year. Their petite mini and mini litters are planned for Fall of 2021.

Calhoun, and Jax will be bred to several girls in 2023. Their petite mini and mini litters are planned for 2023. Frisco is now retired but Calhoun, and Jax are stepping up!

Introducing Callie. Our newest addition to Fountain Falls.


Introducing Callie. Our newest addition to Fountain Falls. 〰️

See our Facebook page Falls Family Goldendoodles.for current puppy pictures.

Our sister breeder River Falls Goldendoodles has puppies available now. Call River Falls at 864-906-9633

Visit River Falls Goldendoodles.

Tallulah Rose and Sully  pups were born in September 13,   Openings available.

Tallulah Rose retired.

We love being outside! Black boy a Calhoun Pippa pup sold

We love being outside! Black boy a Calhoun Pippa pup sold

Callie, our newest addition. She is a Jax Pippa baby. Pups due Spring of 2023. She is 17 lbs.

Jax and Pippa will have a beautiful litter late November 7. Taking reservations September 1 for 20-25 lb mini, red with white markings and red and white partis.

Jax and Pippa will have a beautiful litter 2/8/23 . Taking reservations September 1 for 20-30 lb mini, red with white markings and red and white partis.

Micro mini Piper/Maverick

Micro mini Piper/Maverick

Red Boy Ruby Maverick

4 weeks old. Tallulah and Calhoun.

4 weeks old. Tallulah and Calhoun. sold

petite doodle small enough to fly in coach!

Rosebud petite mini.  Puppies arrived September 20.

Rosebud petite mini. Puppies Winter 2023

Maverick is the dad of our first micro mini litter.

Maverick is the dad of our first micro mini litter.

Calhoun babies

Calhoun babies

Sully, a black and white parti Tallulah Rose and  Calhoun puppy

Sully, a black and white parti Tallulah Rose and Calhoun puppy sold

Check out all of our pages for the latest update